Trail cam photos from last weekend's scouting session are starting to pour in. This photograph is of a really huge "free range" whitetail that most anyone would want in their crosshairs. We are posting these latest photos under our "Recent Photo" gallery on our Home Page. If you have any difficulty getting the drop down menu to work on our website, simply click on your browser's "compatibility button" and it will start working. As we progress through this fall we will continue to post new photos of our clients and their trophies. We have been conducting a number of doe/cull buck hunts in an effort to manage our whitetail deer herds. We appreciate all the hunters (especially all the kids) who hunted with us this last month. Their voluntary meat donations helped to feed three orphanages in Mexico. All of our pre-season scouting is fixing to pay off for "Magnum Hunters." This weekend our "Big Buck Hunts" kick off so stay tuned for breaking news. Some "big boys" will be in our hunters sights!
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